Service provider within the meaning of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):
Diamonds Model Agency UG & Co. KG
Prenzlauer Allee 10
10405 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 616 353 69
CEO: Sofien Belghith
Registry court: District Court Berlin
Registry number: HRA 57077 B
VAT registration number: DE331656482
References and links
References and links with direct or indirect references to foreign web pages (“hyperlink”) which lie beyond the area of responsibility of the author, a liability obligation would only come into force in the case in which the author of the contents has knowledge and in which it would be technically possible for it to him as well as reasonable to prevent the use in case of illegal contents.
The author declares – expressively- that at the time of posting the external link, no illegal content was visible on the linked pages. The author has no influence concerning the current or future design or concerning the contents of the pages that are linked. Therefore, he dissociates him-/herself explicitly from all changes concerning the contents of linked pages that were made after the link was set.
This declaration applies to all links and references that are included on this Internet web site. This statement applies to all links and references within the own internet offer as well as to foreign entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists.
Liability for illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and in particular for harms/damage that may arise from the use or non-use of information from such sources rests with the provider of the linked web page, and not with the party providing the link to the publication or web page.
Copyright and labelling law
The author is anxious to do whatever he can to meet the copyright obligations relating to the photographs, diagrams, audio recordings and video sequences, to use his own photographs, diagrams, audio recordings and video sequences and texts or to use diagrams, audio recordings and video sequences and texts that are in the public domain. All trade and brand marks that appear in the author’s Internet content and are protected by third parties are subject in full to the terms of the relevant copyright law and the right of ownership as applied to the registered owner in each case.
Solely because of mentioning it, it cannot be concluded that trademarks are not protected by rights of third parties. The copyright for objects published and provided by the author remain only with the author of the sides. Such graphics, sound files, video sequences and texts may not be duplicated or used in other electronic or printed publications without the expressed permission of the author.
Image ID: 1319073413 / Author: Pixel-Shot / shutterstock
Image ID: 275217311 / Author: Tinxi / shutterstock
Image ID: 229792261 / Author: oneinchpunch / shutterstock
Image ID: 99701765 / Author: ESB Professional / shutterstock
Image ID: 330095525 / Author: Minerva Studio / shutterstock